Vitamin B12 Rich Dry Fruits: Nature’s Gift to You

Vitamin B12 Rich Dry Fruits

Has the COVID-19 pandemic caused a shift in how you perceive yourself compared to before? Haven’t you found yourself more attuned to your health objectives now? And you’re not alone in this awakening. According to a survey, 60% of people worldwide feel that the pandemic has heightened their awareness of health concerns. They’re prioritizing healthier dietary choices, improved mental well-being, better sleep habits, and adopting healthier lifestyles. There’s a growing trend towards selecting organic and natural food options, which makes sense given the availability of such alternatives over artificial supplements. Fortunately, Mother Nature offers solutions to many of our needs, including Vitamin B12 rich dry fruits. I understand your curiosity about them, which is why you’re here. Rest assured; I’ll meet your expectations.

As Rembrandt once said, “Choose only one master – nature.”

Isn’t that incredibly true?

Indeed, the pandemic has imparted some harsh yet invaluable lessons.

Also Read: Best Dry Fruits for Weight Gain in 2023

Why is Vitamin B12 Essential?

According to the health information provided on the NIH website, vitamin B12 serves three vital purposes:

  1. Supporting Brain and Nerves: Vitamin B12 is essential for the proper growth and functioning of your brain and nerves.
  2. Promoting Healthy Blood Cells: Vitamin B12 is crucial for the production of healthy red blood cells, which are responsible for carrying oxygen to every cell in your body.
  3. Helps in DNA Building: Your DNA acts like a blueprint, guiding your cells on how to function and grow. Vitamin B12 plays a key role in the production of DNA.

It’s important to steer clear of a vitamin B12 deficiency.

I am further outlining the potential effects of B12 deficiency in a simple manner for you to recognize them easily.

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Vitamin B12 Deficiency & Symptoms

Several factors can contribute to insufficient vitamin B12 intake, including difficulties in absorbing the vitamin, prolonged use of specific medications, inadequate dietary intake of vitamin B12, and socioeconomic factors.

The deficiency of vitamin B12 can be exhibited in the following ways:

  • Megaloblastic anemia (red blood cells become larger than normal and have an unusual shape.)
  • Low counts of white and red blood cells, platelets, or a combination
  • Inflammation or swelling of the tongue
  • Fatigue
  • Palpitations
  • Pale skin
  • Dementia
  • Weight loss
  • Infertility
  • Neurological changes such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet
  • Depression

In pregnant and breastfeeding women, a lack of vitamin B12 could lead to neural tube defects, delays in development, poor growth, and anemia in their babies.

According to European Union food regulations, the recommended daily uptake (RDA) for vitamin B12 is 2.5 µg

Why Natural Sources Are Good?

I strongly resonate with the idea of ‘Connecting with Nature.’ To me, prioritizing natural methods is crucial.

Exploring and experimenting with natural materials is more than a hobby—it’s a passion.

Knowing that I’m contributing, even in a small way, to preserving our planet fills me with gratitude.

Beyond just emotional fulfillment, there are tangible benefits.

Natural products offer safety and better health compared to artificial alternatives. They undergo minimal processing and are devoid of synthetic additives, making them safer for our bodies.

Moreover, natural products tend to be environmentally friendly and often more cost-effective.

They’re packed with essential nutrients and beneficial compounds not always found in supplements.

Choosing natural isn’t just a lifestyle choice; it’s a step toward a healthier, more sustainable future.

P.S.: Embracing nature doesn’t imply being entirely opposed to supplements. It’s important to remain pragmatic.

Prioritizing natural alternatives is ideal, but supplementing might be necessary if they don’t meet your daily needs.

Top 7 Vitamin B12 Rich Dry Fruits

Research has shown that individuals who adhere to strict vegetarian diets, abstaining from all animal products, may be at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency.

Since vitamin B12 is primarily found in animal-based foods, what alternatives do non-meat-eaters have?

Let me tell you about some vitamin B12 rich dry fruits which are also tasty and nutritious snacking options.

Vitamin B12 Rich Dry Fruits

1.) Almonds

While almonds are a source of vitamin B12, they don’t provide significant amounts.

However, a daily handful of almonds can contribute a decent amount of vitamin B12 to your diet.

2.) Cashews

Cashews are another delicious nut that can offer a small amount of vitamin B12 when included in your diet.

However, it’s important to note that the vitamin B12 contribution from cashews is insufficient to fulfill your daily requirements.

3.) Pecans

While pecans do contain Vitamin B12, the amounts are relatively low.

Nonetheless, integrating pecans into your diet can yield significant health benefits beyond Vitamin B12.

Pecans boast a wealth of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and dietary fiber, enhancing their overall nutritional value.

4.) Sacha Inchi

Sacha Inchi, also known as Inca peanut, mountain peanut, wild peanut, and jungle peanut, is a seed rather than a nut.

These seeds are typically not consumed raw due to the toxins they contain, which are removed through roasting, making them safe to eat as nuts.

Opinions vary regarding the presence of vitamin B12 in sacha inchi.

According to, sacha inchi contains 0.20 mg of vitamin B12 per 100g.

Vitamin B12 Rich Dry Fruits

5.) Chia Seeds

Recent research indicates that adding chia seeds to the diet may enhance the body’s vitamin B12 availability, particularly advantageous for individuals adhering to a vegan diet.

According to a study published in SciELO – Brazil, feeding animals a chia seed-rich diet substantially raised their vitamin B12 levels.

Notably, the study found that vitamin B12 levels increased with chia seed supplementation, regardless of exposure to other factors such as aluminum.

This study underscores the significance of incorporating chia seeds into our diets as a potent source of vitamin B12.

6.) Sunflower Seeds

Even though regular sunflower seeds don’t naturally have vitamin B12, a recent study discovered that when they’re fermented to make sunflower seed milk, they become a rich source of it.

Just by drinking a small 100 ml cup of this special fermented milk, you’ll get six times more vitamin B12 than what experts say you need each day.

What’s exciting is that this milk has the highest amount of vitamin B12 ever found in plant-based foods.

Plus, it’s completely safe to drink.

The fermentation process not only makes the milk taste better but also boosts its quality and nutrition.

This is fantastic news for vegetarians because this milk can be a great substitute for animal-based foods like regular milk, eggs, meat, and fish.

7.) Tiger Nuts

Tiger nuts are like nature’s superfood, packed with vitamin B12 and loads of other good stuff.

With their impressive 1.538 mg/Kg of vitamin B12 content, they’re a real powerhouse of nutrition.

And they taste unique too.

These little nuts make for a tasty snack that won’t mess with your blood sugar levels.

For a delicious treat, try tossing a handful into your favorite smoothie recipe.

The Takeaway

Incorporating dry fruits into your diet extends beyond merely addressing Vitamin B12 levels.

Each dry fruit contributes positively to your health.

Making a habit of consuming dry fruits daily should stem from a genuine need rather than feeling obligated.

While scientists tirelessly seek alternatives to animal-derived Vitamin B12, it’s crucial to stay grounded in reality.

Plant-based sources of Vitamin B12 often fall short of meeting daily requirements.

Consequently, exploring additional options like supplements or animal-based products becomes necessary to fulfill your Vitamin B12 needs.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article should not be considered as a substitute for a physician’s advice. Please consult your treating physician for more details.

Readings & References

4 thoughts on “Vitamin B12 Rich Dry Fruits: Nature’s Gift to You”

  1. बहुत सुन्दर लेख है। अखरोट,बादाम का नियमित सेवन विटामिन-12 की क्षतिपूर्ति करता है। तुमने अन्य जिनकी भी संस्तुति की है वे भी।


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