Lemongrass Benefits in Pregnancy: A Holistic Pre-Natal Care

Many cultures in the world, since ancient times, still rely on herbs and spices for pregnancy-related issues. The simple reason for this is that people consider medicinal plants a much safer option than synthetic drugs. They mostly use herbs and spices to alleviate common pregnancy issues such as nausea, pain, heartburn, indigestion, and anxiety Medicinal plants like lemongrass are a safer alternative in pregnancy to allopathic medicines. This article will delve into lemongrass benefits in pregnancy based on recent research.

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Image courtesy: Wikimedia.org

What is Lemongrass?

As per Wikipedia, the botanical name of lemongrass is Cymbopogon.

The name “Cymbopogon’ is derived from the Greek words meaning “boat” and “beard” because its parts have hairy and boat-shaped appearances.

It is a type of grass found in Asia, Africa, Australia, and tropical islands.

Some commonly used names for lemongrass include barbed wire grass, silky heads, oily heads, Cochin grass, Malabar grass, citronella grass, and fever grass.

The lemon-like scent of lemongrass makes it popular in cooking and making medicines.

The name “Cymbopogon’ is derived from the Greek words meaning “boat” and “beard” because its parts have hairy and boat-shaped appearances.

Lemongrass and its oil are known to have medicinal properties.

Lemongrass Nutritional Information

Fresh lemongrass nutritional value per 100 grams based on the USDA National Nutrient database is as follows:

7 Amazing Lemongrass Benefits in Pregnancy

Lemongrass is a safe and natural way to manage pregnancy.

Also, it is easily available and an affordable option during pregnancy.

Some of the lemongrass benefits in pregnancy involve:

1.) Aromatherapy Lemongrass Benefits in Pregnancy

The natural compounds in lemongrass essential oil are known to relieve pain, relax the body, and lower inflammation.

As per the research, lemongrass aromatherapy during labor eases the pain and makes the whole process physically and mentally relaxing.

The therapy also supports better uterine contractions and oxygen flow, preventing problems like weak contractions or stress for the baby during the delivery.

2.) Lemongrass Tea Benefits of Antioxidants

Lemongrass Benefits in PregnancyImage courtesy: flickr.com

Lemongrass tea is rich in natural antioxidants that are beneficial in protecting a pregnant mother from the harmful effects of stress on the cells.

Drinking lemongrass tea on a regular basis supports the overall health of a pregnant woman by reducing the damage caused by free radicals.

When the tea is combined with prenatal vitamins, it increases the body’s ability to fight oxidative stress and helps in staying healthy.

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3.) Lemongrass – A Safer Option in Pregnancy

Animal studies have further supported the traditional belief on the safety of lemongrass during pregnancy.

The study revealed that consuming lemongrass in amounts higher than what humans normally drink is completely safe.

Researchers found that it did not harm adults, pregnant women, or their babies.

PS: Though the study on the animals is promising but may not fully account for individual sensitivities. Hence, it is better to stay safe and consult your gynecologist before incorporating lemongrass during pregnancy.

4.) Lemongrass Benefits in Pregnancy for Increased Well-Being

Lemongrass aromatherapy reduces anxiety and stress in pregnant women, fostering their emotional well-being throughout pregnancy.

This also helps increase confidence in expecting mothers and promotes a positive birthing experience.

Lemongrass Benefits in Pregnancy

Image courtesy: flickr.com

5.) Lemongrass for a Holistic Pregnancy Care

Lemongrass tea can be a beneficial addition to the prenatal care.

It can provide nutrition and health benefits to the pregnant woman without major risks.

6.) Lemongrass Benefits in Pregnancy for Immunity

Good immunity during pregnancy is crucial for both mother and baby in the womb.

Lemongrass strengthens the body’s natural defense mechanism.

The active compounds in lemongrass fight inflammation and fight against infections.

7.) Natural and Affordable Herb

Lemongrass is comfortably available and easy to include in the diet as well.

Mix it with other herbs to get a nutritious herbal drink.

Women with limited access to expensive supplements can safely rely on lemongrass to reap health benefits.

Lemongrass Benefits in Pregnancy

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Precautions with Lemongrass

Pregnant women mostly put their faith on herbal remedies to get relief from pregnancy-related woes.

Though researchers have not noticed any adverse effects of lemongrass on pregnant women, individuals still keep certain precautions in mind:

  • An individual’s reaction to any herb may differ. That is why, doctors always recommend consulting them before including lemongrass during pregnancy.
  • It is equally advisable to never overdo the quantity of lemongrass in any manner during pregnancy. If you notice any side effects, immediately stop using it and consult the doctor.
  • Essential oils, including lemongrass, are highly potent but improper usage (eg., high doses, ingestion of essential oils) may carry risks, especially during pregnancy.

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Image courtesy: Wikimedia.org

Takeaway Message

Lemongrass has therapeutic benefits during pregnancy.

This versatile plant is used in cooking, medicines, insect repellent, soaps, etc.

It is mostly safe to use but may cause skin irritation in some people.

Although many animal studies have proven the efficacy and safety of lemongrass during pregnancy, researchers still need to conduct more studies..

Hence, it is better to seek the advice of your doctor before reaping lemongrass benefits in pregnancy.

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Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article should not be considered as a substitute for a physician’s advice. Please consult your treating physician for more details.

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