How To Use Giloy For Better Immunity, Skin, Fever, and More

The rainy season brings with it relief and joy but there are also many side effects associated with it in the form of various diseases. Mother nature, however, has provided us with many plants & and herbs that, when used properly, can help combat various ailments. One such gift is the Giloy plant. I am a proud owner of this plant and use it daily, especially during the monsoon season. In this article, I am going to tell you how to use Giloy for its numerous beneficial purposes.

In the traditional ayurvedic literature, Giloy is called the “Amrita” or “root of immortality” as it is believed that it has the power to bestow longevity and prevent aging.  Let me tell you about some of the medicinal benefits that this plant has to offer to you.

how to use giloy

Giloy and its Medicinal Benefits

Tinospora cordifolia commonly known as “Guduchi” or “Giloy” has been known since ancient times for its medicinal benefits. It is a large, perennial, climbing shrub of weak and fleshy stem found throughout India.

The extracts of the plant have been used for ages for the treatment of fever, jaundice, chronic diarrhea, cancer, dysentery, bone fracture, pain, asthma, skin disease, poisonous insects, snake bites, and eye disorders.

The health benefits offered by this plant have made it a topic of great interest among researchers across the globe.

Though the whole plant including leaves, roots, and stems is used for medicinal purposes, the stem is considered of higher medical importance.

This is because the stem is rich in alkaloids, glycosides, steroids, and polysaccharides.

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Health Benefits of Giloy

Some of the benefits include:

1.) Supports Immune System: It is known to provide support and strengthening of the immune system as it has immunomodulatory properties. This helps the body in fighting against infections and diseases.

2.) Effects on Stress, Learning, and Memory: It is known in Ayurveda for its memory and learning-enhancing capabilities.

As per the Ayurvedic texts, the plant is described as being used in treating Vertigo.

Significant response has been seen in kids with a moderate degree of behavior disorders and mental deficits, along with improvement in their IQ levels.

The root of this plant reduces stress and anxiety and is very beneficial in dealing with anti-stress activity.

3.) Antipyretic Activity: It is very well known for bringing down fever and managing the symptoms of dengue, malaria, and other febrile conditions.

4.) Anti-Arthritic and Anti-Osteoporotic: Various Ayurvedic texts mention its use in treating gouty arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and burning sensations. It is because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

5.) Respiratory Health: The Giloy juice has been traditionally used to treat asthma and chronic coughs.

6.) Detofixies the Body: It helps in promoting the health of the liver by removing toxins and contributes to the overall health.

7.) Diabetes Management: It has been widely used in Ayurveda for treating diabetes mellitus.

 However, it should be noted that you should not replace giloy with your prescribed medications without consultation with your doctor.

8.) Glowing Skin: The anti-inflammatory properties help in fighting against various skin-related problems such as eczema, acne, and psoriasis.

It can help in making your skin look healthy and radiant.

9.) Diuretic Effect: It is found useful in treating urinary problems. A study done on rats and human volunteers has found that giloy has diuretic effects.

10.) Anti-Cancer Properties: Preliminary studies have shown that Guduchi may offer an alternative treatment for cancer in combination with gamma radiation.

11.) Hepato-Protective Effects: A clinical study has shown that Guduchi plays an important role in supporting liver health and protecting against liver damage.

12.) Digestive Health: It is found effective in treating conditions such as indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It also has anti-ulcer properties.

13.) Weight Management: Some studies have indicated the role it plays in managing weight. It helps in promoting a healthy metabolism and reducing the risk of obesity-related disorders.

How To Use Giloy

Giloy can be used in various forms to reap its benefits. The type of form chosen by you depends on your convenience, preference, and most importantly the health problem in question.

Some of the common forms available are:

  • Fresh Stems: The fresh stems can be used by crushing or grinding them to extract juice. The juice can be consumed directly or mixed with water.
  • Giloy Powder (Churna): When the stems are dried, they are ground into fine powder. The powder can be mixed with honey, water, or ghee to make a paste or taken as a supplement.
  • Giloy Extracts: These are the concentrated form of the plant available in liquid or capsule form. They are often used in ayurvedic treatments and are good where precise dosage is prescribed.
  • Giloy Juice: You can purchase juice from the market or prepare it at home. The juice is a very popular form of treating a disease.

        You can prepare the juice at home by crushing or blending fresh stems and extracting the juice. You can consume it directly or mix it with water.

        Giloy Tulsi Juice: When you mix two potent herbs, Giloy and Tulsi, their combined properties offer a unique set of advantages.

This juice provides benefits that include: support to the immune system, fighting free radicals, enhancing respiratory health, and detoxification of the body.

       Giloy Amla Juice: Amla or Indian Gooseberry is a rich source of vitamin C and when mixed with Giloy gives amazing health benefits.

Some of the health benefits of the juice include strengthening of immunity, improvement in digestion, anti-aging, promotion of liver health, and good for skin and hair.

  • Giloy Water: In order to prepare it boil fresh giloy stems in the water, till the water turns light green in color. Consume the water directly once it cools down.
  • Giloy Concoction (Kadha): You can blend Giloy with several other spices and herbs such as ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, pepper, basil leaves, etc. to prepare an immune-boosting kadha.
  • Giloy Tea: This one is my favorite. Use the leaves or powder to prepare herbal tea. Crush 2-3 giloy leaves or put giloy powder in the boiling water and let it steep for a few minutes.

        You can drink this herbal tea regularly except use the number of leaves or powder in moderation.

how to use giloy

  • Giloy Capsules or Tablets: It is also available in the market in the form of capsules or tablets. These are suitable for individuals who have been prescribed a standard dose.
  • Topical Application: You can also use the Giloy in the form of pastes or poultices. They are suitable for direct application on the skin to treat problems such as eczema, psoriasis, and wounds.
  • Giloy Syrup: Some manufacturers produce syrup, which is a concentrated form of Giloy juice with added sweeteners. You can take in the form of syrup.
  • Giloy Satva: Prepare satva using fresh Giloy stems and water. Since the quality of satva can vary, it is essential to obtain it from trusted sources or prepare it at home.

         To prepare satva at home, choose fresh green Giloy stems that are rot and damage-free. Clean them properly and chop them into small pieces.

Put the chopped pieces into a grinder or blender and add a little water to make grinding easy. Grind the stems into a fine paste.

Place a clean cloth or muslin cloth and strain the entire paste through it. Squeeze the cloth to extract the juice.

Spread the entire juice on a clean and dry surface such as a stainless steel plate and let it air dry. The liquid will gradually evaporate, leaving behind a white, powdery residue. This is Giloy satva.

  • Herbal Formulations: Ayurvedic formulations use Giloy as an ingredient, combining it with other herbs to treat specific health issues.

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Giloy For Fever

Giloy is beneficial in all kinds of fever including viral and bacterial infections. Ayurveda commonly uses it for treating fever and boosting immunity due to its antipyretic and immunomodulatory properties.

A Detailed Guide

1.) Obtain a suitable form

Giloy is available in various forms such as fresh stems, juice, capsules, powder, etc.

Although people consider fresh stems very potent, you can choose the form depending upon the availability, convenience, and preference.

how to use giloy

2.) Dosage

The dosage will depend upon the health condition in question and the recommendation by the doctor. However, some general guidelines are:

  • Giloy Stems (Fresh): Take about 1-2 inches of fresh stems and wash it properly. Crush or grind the stem to make a paste.

You can consume this paste with water or honey empty stomach in the morning.

Alternatively, giloy when combined with ashwagandha and tulsi has shown an improvement in its antipyretic properties. For this, take a 6 cm fresh giloy stem and a few leaves of ashwagandha and tulsi.

Boil the mixture in the water till it becomes one-fourth of its original. Now drain the concoction and consume it for one week.

  • Giloy Juice: Take 2-3 tablespoons of the juice and a similar amount of water. Mix them well. Drink this mixture daily in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Giloy Powder: When using the powder, mix 1-2 teaspoons of powder with water or honey and take it twice a day.
  • Giloy Capsules: The dosage of capsules should be based upon the advice of your doctor or as per the manufacturer’s instruction on the packet.

3.) Frequency

Take Giloy twice a day, ideally in the morning and evening, to manage fever effectively.

4.) Duration

The duration of consumption should be at least for a week or as advised by your doctor.


  • If you are pregnant, nursing, or on medications, consult a healthcare professional before using Giloy.
  • Diabetic patients must take Giloy in moderation. They must keep an eye on their blood sugar levels as it can lower blood sugar.
  • Just like any other medicine, consume Giloy in moderation or as recommended. When taken in excess, it can lead to side effects such as constipation or digestive issues.
  • Storage: Mostly, the packets have storage instructions written on them, and you must follow these instructions. Typically, you should keep them in a dry and cool place, away from direct sunlight.
  • Consult Healthcare Professional : Giloy is only a supportive therapy for fever and does not undermine the importance of conventional treatment. One must not rely only on it for managing their fever, especially if the fever is severe and accompanied by other symptoms.

If your fever persists or worsens, consult your doctor immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment.

For Chronic Fever

It is very effective in treating chronic and recurrent fevers. Its antipyretic property helps in reducing the fever.

Take 2-3 tablespoons of Giloy juice and a similar amount of water. Mix them well. Drink this mixture daily in the morning on an empty stomach.

For Dengue Fever

My personal experience in treating my mother’s dengue fever using fresh Giloy stems has been wonderful.

Giloy water not only helped in increasing the platelet counts but also helped in reducing the chances of complications. My mother took the water for at least one week in order to get relief from dengue fever. It is equally important to mention here that the doctor prescribed her medication as well.

Take one or two fresh Giloy stems and boil them in the water till the water becomes one-fourth and gets a light greenish color. Consume this water directly once it cools down.

Alternatively, boil the stems along with tulsi leaves to get better results. For this, extract the juice from the fresh stalk of Giloy, mix it with 5-7 tulsi leaves, and boil them in half a cup of water.

Drinking this water daily helps in increasing the platelet count.

For Hay Fever

It is also effective in reducing the symptoms of runny nose, sneezing, nasal obstruction, and watering of eyes.

Take ½ teaspoon of Giloy powder, mix it with honey, and take it empty stomach.

Giloy For Immunity

Having a good immune system helps an individual fight against various infections and diseases. In a nutshell, you will not become sick easily.

To improve your immunity, you can include juice, kadha, or tea in your diet once or twice a day.

To experience the immunity-enhancing benefits of Giloy, doctors recommend continuing to take juice, kadha, or tea for an extended period.

However, Giloy alone is not effective if you are not maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You must also take care of eating a well-balanced diet along with regular exercise.

Take 2-3 teaspoons of juice and mix it with the same quantity of water. Drink it empty stomach daily to enhance your immunity.

Alternatively, you can use Giloy leaves for making kadha or tea. Take 1-2 leaves and crush them properly. Boil them in the water and sip this immune-boosting tea for your health.


  • If you are pregnant, nursing, or on medications, consult a healthcare professional before using Giloy.
  • Diabetic patients must take Giloy in moderation. They must keep an eye on their blood sugar levels as it can lower blood sugar.
  • Just like any other medicine, consume Giloy in moderation or as recommended. When taken in excess, it can lead to side effects such as constipation or digestive issues.

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Giloy For Uric Acid

As per a leading health magazine, Healthline “A 2017 review on the medical benefits of giloy states that “the juice extract from the stem is highly effective for the treatment of gout as it helps to neutralize the increased uric acid levels in the body.”

One study published in ResearchGate found that, among the four forms used, aqueous extract and Giloy satva more effective in treating higher uric acid levels.

how to use giloy

Giloy stem: If you have fresh stems and leaves with you, then crush them properly and boil them with one glass of water. Keep boiling them until the water reduces to half.

Consume this water empty stomach in the morning and evening.

Giloy satva: Satva mostly comes in powdered form, and you should take it in small quantities.

Typically, you mix Satva with a suitable carrier substance (Anupana) to achieve better results. Some common Anupanas are:

  • Honey: Mix a small amount of satva (usually 125-250 mg or as recommended by the doctor) with a teaspoon of honey and consume it.
  • Water: Mix satva with water or lukewarm water for consumption.


  • If you are pregnant, nursing, or on medications, consult a healthcare professional before using Giloy.
  • Keep monitoring your uric acid levels regularly under the guidance of a medical professional.
  • Just like with any other medicine, you must consume Giloy in moderation or as recommended. When taken in excess, it can lead to side effects such as constipation or digestive issues.

Giloy For Skin

It is also good for the health of the skin as its anti-inflammatory properties help in reducing skin-related problems.

It is beneficial in treating eczema, psoriasis, acne, wounds, rashes, and insect bites.

  • Giloy Leaf Paste: Wash the fresh leaves properly and crush them to make a paste. Apply this paste to the affected area of the skin and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Rinse it off with the cool water and pat the skin dry.
  • Giloy Leaf Infusion: Boil a handful of fresh leaves to create an infusion. After the infusion cools down, apply it to your face or the affected area of your skin using a cotton ball.


If you have a skin condition, then you must consult a dermatologist or a skincare specialist. They will look into your condition and recommend a treatment specific to your condition.

Patch test:

It is a good practice to perform a patch test on a small area of your skin before using any new thing such as Giloy paste or infusion. This will help you determine if you are allergic to the substance or not.


Indian mythology has given higher significance to Giloy, often referring to it as “Amrita” or the “Herb of Immortality”.

Considering the enormous benefits that this plant offers to humanity, people appropriately consider it a sacred plant. However, it is important to note that you can derive the maximum benefits from this plant only when you consume it in limited quantities or as prescribed by your healthcare provider.

Also, its usage does not in any sense undermine the importance of main and conventional treatment for the underlying disease or problem. It is a supportive treatment and you must consult your doctor for proper medical assistance for any particular problem.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article should not be considered as a substitute for a physician’s advice. Please consult your treating physician for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1.) Can I take Giloy everyday?

Ans.) You can take Giloy every day but in moderation only.. For the best results, take it empty stomach in the morning.

Q2.) How do you use Giloy at home?

Ans.) You can use Giloy at home in a variety of ways. You can make kadha, tea, juice, or simply Giloy water at home.

Q3.) Which is the best time to take Giloy?

Ans.) The Giloy is most effective when taken empty stomach and in moderation. You can take it empty stomach in the morning and evening or as directed by your doctor.

Q4.) Does Giloy destroy liver?

Ans.) Giloy have hepatoprotective properties. A clinical study has shown that Guduchi plays an important role in supporting liver health and protecting against liver damage.

Remember to use in moderation only.

Q5.) What is the best way to use Giloy?

Ans.) The best way to use Giloy depends upon your specific health condition and goals, convenience, and preference.

You can use it in the form of juice, tea, water, powder, satva, syrup, kadha, capsules or tablets, etc.

Suggested Readings & References

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