Giloy Juice Benefits You Must Reap

Ayurvedic scriptures, the traditional Indian medicine system, have given immense importance to the medicinal benefits of the ancient herb giloy. Scientifically known as Tinospora cordifolia, Indian sages recognized the numerous health benefits of giloy some thousand years ago. Giloy or Guduchi is widely recognized for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetes, antipyretic, anti-cancer, anti-HIV, antibacterial, and immunity-boosting properties. The whole giloy plant is considered sacred because all its parts are beneficial. Giloy juice, extracted from the stems of giloy, has many beneficial compounds and is generally recommended for its health-boosting goodness. Let us discuss some amazing giloy juice benefits.

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What Is Giloy Juice?

Giloy is a very versatile plant.

Its every part including stems, leaves, and roots has health-related benefits.

However, giloy stems are the most beneficial of all.

Giloy juice is an Ayurvedic herbal juice extracted from the stems of the giloy plant.

Giloy stem contains water-soluble and bioactive compounds making giloy juice valuable from a medicinal point of view.

Preparation of Giloy Juice

The giloy stems are crushed or ground and the liquid is extracted and that’s how we get the giloy juice.

You can prepare the giloy juice at home or buy it from a reputed seller.

Fresh giloy stems are used to make giloy juice.

The stems are cleaned to clear them of any impurities or dirt.

The cleaned stems are then boiled in the water until they become soft.

This helps in taking out liquid from the stems easily.

This liquid is giloy juice famous for its various medicinal benefits.

The giloy juice benefits come from the alkaloids, glycosides, steroids, flavonoids, and other phytochemicals.

Usage of Giloy Juice

Giloy juice is relatively easier to use and consume than other giloy compositions.

The recommended dose of the juice depends on personal needs, health conditions, and the form in which giloy juice will be consumed.

To know the quantity of giloy juice to consume, read the instructions on the product label or talk to your doctor.

The most common and convenient way of consuming giloy juice is to take it orally.

The juice can be consumed raw or for a better taste mixed with water, or honey.

When mixed with other herbal solutions, giloy juice benefits are potent.

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Active Compounds Found in Giloy And Their Biological Responses

giloy juice benefits

20 Amazing Giloy Juice Benefits

Apart from being well-recognized in Ayurveda, recent scientific research on giloy and its various parts has shown a growing interest in understanding the health benefits offered by this multitalented plant.

Some of the potential giloy juice benefits include:

1.) Boosts Immunity

Several studies have shown that giloy possesses immunomodulatory properties.

It can boost the activity of immune cells like macrophages and T-cells, these are necessary to help the body fight off the infections.

If taken in moderation and under proper guidance, giloy juice benefits you by boosting your immunity.

2.) Benefits as an Antioxidant

Flavonoids and polyphenols in the giloy juice make it an antioxidant drink.

These compounds fight against the free radicals in our body and reduce oxidative stress.

Antioxidants protect our cells from damage and our bodies against chronic diseases.

3.) Giloy Juice Benefits as Anti-inflammatory, Anti-Arthritic, and Anti-Osteoporotic

Various Ayurvedic texts have mentioned the role of Giloy in treating gouty arthritis and burning sensation.

It has been traditionally used in the treatment of rheumatoid ar

Giloy has also been traditionally used for its fever-reducing abilities.

Scientific studies have proved that its usage can reduce the body’s temperature during febrile conditions.


Giloy juice benefits you by reducing the production of inflammatory molecules in the body.

giloy juice benefits

4.) Benefits as Antipyretic

Giloy has also been traditionally used for its fever-reducing abilities.

Scientific studies have proved that its usage can reduce the body’s temperature during febrile conditions.

5.) Antibacterial and Antiviral Properties

Research has also proved that giloy juice benefits against bacterial and viral infections.

6.) Giloy Juice Benefits as an Anti-Diabetic

Ayurveda scriptures have widely mentioned the use of giloy in treating diabetes mellitus.

Various scientific studies have also noticed that giloy may help lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.

7.) Protects Liver

Researchers have seen that giloy has hepatoprotective qualities during animal studies.

Consuming giloy juice regularly may help protect the liver from the damage caused by toxins or diseases.

giloy juice benefits

8.) Giloy Juice Benefits Heart’s Health

Both Ayurveda and science have signified the importance of giloy juice benefits for your heart’s health.

Studies have shown that giloy effectively reduces cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

9.) Anticancer Properties

Giloy also has anti-cancer properties.

It has shown its efficacy in preventing the growth of cancer cells.

In vitro, the study of Giloy has shown its effectiveness in even killing cancer cells.

Regular consumption of the giloy juice may help prevent the development of cancer cells in the body.

10.) Giloy Juice Benefits Learning and Memory

As per Ayurveda, giloy juice benefits a person’s memory and cognitive abilities.

Giloy juice significantly improved kids’ IQ levels, when consumed in moderation by them.

It was also found effective in treating moderate levels of behavioral disorders.

11.) Helps Managing Stress

Giloy is also known for its adaptogen benefits.

It helps the body to adapt to stress and reduces stress-related disorders.

Drinking giloy juice regularly will benefit your overall well-being.

12.) Good for Your Lungs

Giloy is believed to have mucolytic properties that reduce the building of mucus in the body making respiration easy.

Consuming giloy juice benefits people with respiratory-related disorders such as asthma, bronchitis, and cough.

13.) Aids in Digestion

Giloy is also considered good for gut health.

People with digestion-related issues such as indigestion, constipation, and hyperacidity must take giloy juice to reap the benefits.

14.) Benefits in Allergies

Giloy also has anti-allergic properties.

Giloy juice can alleviate the symptoms of allergies such as itching, sneezing, and congestion.

giloy juice benefits

15.) Giloy Juice Benefits for Skin

If you want healthy and radiant skin, start drinking giloy juice regularly.

Giloy juice helps promote a healthy complexion by reducing acne and blemishes.

16.) Helps in Weight Management

Regular consumption of giloy juice may improve metabolism by removing toxins from the body and help manage weight.

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17.) Best for Menstrual Health

Giloy juice can benefit women by regulating their menstrual cycle.

It can also relieve them from the menstrual pain during periods.

18.) Giloy Juice Benefits for Fertility

By reducing stress, strengthening immunity, and balancing fertility-related hormones, giloy juice indirectly supports fertility.

19.) Manages Uric Acid

Multiple giloy juice benefits to the human body also help manage uric acid.

High uric acid in the body often causes gout, a painful joint inflammation.

Giloy juice has anti-inflammatory properties that may reduce joint swelling and help alleviate gout symptoms.

It also has pain-relieving properties and may provide relief from gout pain.

The liver has a crucial role in processing and excreting uric acid and giloy juice benefits the liver’s health.

A healthy liver will help regulate the uric acid levels effectively.

Kidneys filter and excrete uric acid from the bloodstream. The support provided by giloy juice to the kidneys indirectly helps manage uric acid levels in the body.

Another way giloy juice benefits is by removing toxins from the body thereby reducing uric acid levels.

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giloy juice benefits

20.) Giloy Juice Benefits for Hair

Giloy juice benefits hair health indirectly by providing other health benefits.

The juice boosts immunity, which helps fight off various infections and diseases that may otherwise adversely affect hair and scalp.

Stress is one of the main culprits causing hair fall and premature greying.

The adaptogen properties of giloy juice benefit by warding off stress and anxiety.

By improving the digestion system giloy juice benefits hair health.

A healthy digestive system properly absorbs all essential nutrients, contributing to hair growth.

By balancing hormones, Giloy juice helps control hair problems like excessive hair fall or thinning.

The Takeaway

Giloy has a rich history with its roots in India.

Hindu mythology refers to Giloy as ‘Amrita’, or ‘the elixir of immortality’.

People have used it for centuries due to its numerous health benefits.

In addition to its rich cultural and traditional significance, modern-day scientists have also recognized and studied the health benefits of giloy juice.

Like any other medicine, you must consume giloy juice in moderation.

Follow the recommended dose instructions on the bottle and consult a healthcare professional or Ayurvedic practitioner before starting giloy juice.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the writer’s opinions and should not be considered a substitute for an expert’s advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.) What are the side effects of giloy juice?

Ans.) Side Effects of Giloy Juice

Some of the potential side effects of Giloy juice, if taken in excess amounts or by people with certain health conditions, are as follows:

  • Digestive Issues

Some people may experience mild digestive problems like diarrhea, constipation, or abdominal discomfort.

This may happen if you consume the juice in excess or do not dilute it properly.

  • Hypoglycemia

Giloy juice lowers blood sugar levels, so people with diabetes must regularly check their sugar levels.

The juice may interfere with the medications taken by diabetics and may cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

Always consult with your doctor before starting giloy juice.

  • Hypotension

In people with low blood pressure or taking medicines, giloy juice may cause a drop in blood pressure levels leading to dizziness or lightheadedness.

  • Allergic Reactions

Some people may be allergic to giloy juice, though this is rare.

Symptoms may range from skin rashes to more severe ones like difficulty breathing or swelling of the face and throat.

If you experience discomfort after consuming Giloy juice, discontinue it and seek medical attention immediately.

  • Interactions with Medications

Giloy juice may interact with certain medications, such as blood thinners, anti-diabetic drugs, and immunosuppressants.

Consult your doctor before starting giloy juice.

  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Experts advise pregnant and breastfeeding women to avoid giloy juice, as its safety is still not established.

  • Kidney Stones

Studies have shown that excess consumption of giloy juice may result in kidney stones, especially in individuals prone to kidney stone formation.

Q2.) Who should avoid giloy juice?

Ans.) Some groups of people should avoid consuming giloy juice:

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • Diabetic patients;
  • Individuals with Hypotension;
  • People with Autoimmune Diseases;
  • People allergic to Giloy juice;
  • People with a history of kidney stones;
  • People taking certain medications, including blood thinners, anti-diabetic drugs, and immunosuppressants;
  • Give giloy juice to kids only after consulting a pediatrician.

Q3.) Can giloy damage liver?

Ans.) Giloy is good for the health of your liver.

It has hepatoprotective properties which means it protects the liver’s health by protecting it from damage.

Q4.) Can giloy damage kidneys?

Ans.) Giloy supports kidney health and promotes its functioning.

However, people with a history of kidney stones must avoid excess consumption of giloy.

Q5.) Can I drink giloy daily?

Ans.) You can take giloy juice everyday if taken in moderation.

For the best results, take it empty stomach in the morning.

Suggested Readings and References

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