Crossfit Cardio Workout: Better Strength, Stamina & Vitality

I know a lot of people around me who are passionate about exercising and at the same time, ready to take the challenges whenever it is about upping their fitness levels. If you are also one of them, then CrossFit cardio workout is for you.

Crossfit has been recognized as one of the fastest growing modes of high-intensity functional training (HIFT) since its inception by Greg Glassman in 1996 in the USA.

According to the official CrossFit website, they have evolved into a global network of 14,000 gyms spanning 155 countries.

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What Is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a form of high-intensity interval training. As per health magazine, CrossFit incorporates functional movements that build stamina, strength, and speed.

The functional movements are those which we perform outside the gym like carrying the groceries, doing household chores, climbing the stairs, etc.

The fitness program refers to these functional movements as “workouts of the day” (WOD).

crossfit cardio workout

CrossFit Cardio Workout Training – More than Cardio

A CrossFit training program works on several areas and it is just not a cardio workout.

The specific objective of a CrossFit training program is to optimize the trainee’s physical ability in ten recognized fitness domains: Cardiovascular and Respiratory Endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance and Accuracy.

CrossFit’s specific modes of exercise include power/ Olympic lifting (i.e., squats, cleans, deadlifts, bench press, and presses), gymnastics (i.e., pull-ups, lunges, knees to elbows, handstand push-ups, push-ups, and sit-ups), and aerobic exercise/metabolic conditioning (i.e., swimming, running, and rowing).

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It also prepares a trainee for the unknown tasks such as surviving fights or fires.

Usually each training session lasts about one hour and is comprised of a specific warm-up, strength and/or skill training, a programmed strength or conditioning workout for 10-30 minutes and finished with cool-down and/or mobility exercises.

What is CrossFit Pyramid?

crossfit cardio workout

The foundation of the CrossFit pyramid is nutrition.

As per the official website of CrossFit, any training system that does not consider and duly correct an athlete’s diet will be suboptimal.

The second level is about metabolic conditioning, which relates to cardiovascular sufficiency.

Without effective metabolic conditioning, an athlete will fatigue prematurely.

The third level focuses on the athlete’s spatial awareness and body control.

The objective of this level is to work upon an athlete’s strength, flexibility, coordination, balance and agility to move his body through different body positions and movement combinations.

The fourth level considers the control of external objects — e.g., weightlifting and throwing.

With all the above foundations developed, the athlete can move on to the specialized tasks required of specific sports.

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CrossFit Cardio Workout Benefits

Some of the benefits, as underlined by leading wellness magazine healthline, are as follows:

  • May improve physical strength – The high-intensity, multi-joint movements in CrossFit may help you gain muscle strength and stamina.
  • May help improve aerobic fitness – CrossFit is a high intensity power training (HIPT) which help in increasing a participant’s VO2 max, this is the maximum amount of oxygen one can utilize during exercise.
  • Improve agility, balance & flexibility – Functional movements, such as squats, kettlebell swings, or overhead presses, can help improve agility, balance, and flexibility.

They help in improving the quality of life by reducing the risks of injuries.

  • Burn calories and manage weight – CrossFit workouts help in burning more calories in comparison to other workouts.

crossfit cardio workout

Other CrossFit Cardio Workout Benefits At A Glance

  • greater sense of community in CrossFit sessions was verified when compared to traditional training.
  • The intention for continuing physically vigorous activity was greater for the CrossFit group in comparison to traditional training group.
  • We identified enjoyment, challenge, and affiliation more than all other training groups.
  • The individuals at the risk of psychological distress presented significant improvements in mental health.
  • As per one study, high levels of retention (i.e., 82%), adherence (i.e., 94%), and satisfaction (4.2–4.6 where 5 is the highest level) were found in the students after 8 weeks of CrossFit Teens training.
  • The involvement of well-educated coaches correlates with a decreased injury rate.

Is CrossFit Cardio Workout Good For Female?

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Across most countries, women are less active than men. Women have a tendency of putting their needs on the back burner, even if it involves something as essential as health.

Being the backbone of not just the family but also society, the women must prioritize upon their health. The following are the reasons why CrossFit is good for women:

  • Weightlifting to prevent diseases & injuries: A CrossFit WOD not only helps in losing pounds and toning muscles, but people also notice a drop in blood pressure & insulin levels.

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Osteoporosis is a very common problem in the fairer sex, especially among the older population. One of the best ways to combat this problem is to start weight training at the early age itself.

  • Better mental & emotional health: Studies have shown that women report most stressful life events. CrossFit program consist of different exercises. New challenges increase the confidence levels promoting mental as well emotional quotient.
  • Belonging to the community: The best part of the CrossFit is the community. Once you join a CrossFit gym (boxes), you become a part of the family, which in a way become a second home to you. You get a higher sense of satisfaction and motivation along with the community.

Other Interesting Facts

  • According to American College Sports Medicine (ACSM), CrossFit is indicated as the primary reason HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts are ranked one of the top 3 worldwide fitness trends since 2013.
  • A European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer core 30-item questionnaire revealed 5 weeks of CrossFit training was well received by cancer survivors with an adherence rate of 75%. This intervention was also considered feasible and effective in improving emotional function.
  • CrossFit was originally designed to train individuals (e.g., police officers, military special forces) whose work requires physical fitness and muscle strength so these workers could transform from low to high levels of effort in seconds.

Takeaway Message

CrossFit can be an effective form of exercise for healthy adults those who are looking for diversity in their workout regime.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) has following pieces of advices to those who are thinking of starting CrossFit:

  • You must have a sports physician conduct a medical examination to check your suitability.
  • To benefit most from CrossFit, it is recommended to find a CrossFit gym that offers an ‘On-Ramp’ program, which provides instruction on fundamental CrossFit movements.
  • Train in an affiliated gym (boxes) under supervision of qualified trainers.
  • Increase the scope and intensity slowly and carefully in accordance with the trainer.

Suggested Readings & References

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