Benefits of Amla Murabba for Female: Wonders of Wonder Fruit

Believe it or not, the roles and responsibilities a female shouldered in her lifetime are immense and immeasurable. From time immemorial, the central role played by a female has ensured stability and progress. Despite being subjected to various societal, economic, psychological, and physical discrimination, females have always proved their prowess. She manages her home with expertise and has also increased her share in paid work. Ironically, the health situation of females globally is not good. Nearly a billion women say that they spent their previous day in physical pain. One in four women has health problems that keep them from performing even normal activities. With so many roles in her kitty, it is high time that she pays attention to her health. Some herbs and spices are convenient to include and can do wonders for health. In this article, I will introduce the benefits of amla murabba for female.

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Benefits of Amla Murabba for Female

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What is Amla Murabba?

Murabba is a sweet candy prepared by soaking fruits in sugar and spices.

In certain cultures, vegetables are also used for murabba instead of fruits.

Fruits popularly used for murabba are apples, figs, berries, apricots, Indian gooseberry (amla), mango, plum, quince, and winter melon.

Apart from having great taste, murabba has a longer shelf life because sugar in it acts as a natural preservative.

By reducing the water activity in the fruit, it helps prevent microbial growth.

Nutritional Profile of Amla Murabba

Amla is the major ingredient in Amla murabba.

Indian gooseberry or amla is a very nourishing fruit with many medicinal benefits.

Its botanical name is Phyllanthus emblica L.

It is mainly found in India, Southeast Asia, China, Iran, and Pakistan.

All parts of the amla plant are beneficial but its fruit has the highest medicinal benefits.

The amla fruit is rich in bioactive compounds that promote good health.

The rich nutritious profile of amla is tabulated below.

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Scientific studies have proved that polyphenols and vitamin C are the central components of amla fruit.

The vitamin C in amla is more than 20 times that found in oranges.

Amla retains vitamin C even during the cooking process.

Benefits of Amla Murabba for Female

Amla is among the oldest Indian fruits and is greatly esteemed for its nutritional and medicinal value in Ayurvedic text.

Known as the ‘wonder fruit’ for health, it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, anti-diabetic, antimicrobial, neuroprotective, cardioprotective, and immunomodulatory properties.

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Amla has many general and specific benefits for females. Let us know them one by one:

1.) Improves Digestion

Amla is high in fiber and reduces digestion-related problems.

The fiber in amla keeps the bowel movement regular and reduces the chances of constipation.

Fiber also eases digestion through the proper secretion of gastric and digestive juices, leading to better absorption of nutrients.

Females who have the constant trouble of constipation must include amla murabba in their diet.

Also, better assimilation of nutrients due to amla murabba will make you feel better and healthy.

2.) Improved Physical Vitality

Consuming amla murabba by females supports muscle development, promotes cellular regeneration, and enhances overall organ health due to its protein content.

All the above benefits help improve physical vitality, especially beneficial for women as it supports important bodily functions needed to stay healthy.

3.) Keeps Heart Healthy

benefits of amla murabba for female

The most disturbing thing about heart disease in the case of females is that they are more susceptible to “silent” heart disease than men.

Also, they are often not diagnosed with heart trouble as quickly as men are.

Females can keep their hearts healthy by including amla murabba in their diets.

Amla contains chromium which makes heart medicines work better by lowering bad cholesterol.

This strengthens heart muscles ensures that blood flows smoothly throughout the body and reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

By reducing cholesterol amla murabba also prevents atherosclerosis, a common heart disease where plaque builds up in the blood vessels.

4.) Improves Brain Health

Studies have shown that females experience an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease due to hormonal shifts with menopause.

Diabetes, high blood pressure, and less physical activity are other risk factors that can lead to cognitive decline in women.

However, research has also shown that healthy lifestyle changes can help protect their brain health as they age.

Amla is rich in vitamins and minerals and is good for a female’s brain health.

Being rich in iron it also helps in providing oxygen to the brain.

Amla is high in antioxidants and prevents the brain from the damage caused by the oxidative stress.

Amla murabba can also protect the brain from Alzheimer’s disease, though cannot cure it.

Also Read – Ayurvedic Herbs for Brain: Raise Brainpowers

5.) Protects from Diabetes

Though diabetes is increasing rapidly in both sexes, it affects women differently.

Certain reasons why diabetes is more common in women include hormonal changes, obesity, stress, lifestyle problems, etc.

The benefit of amla murabba for females with diabetes is that it contains chromium which helps lower blood sugar levels.

Amla stimulates certain cells in the body to release insulin.

When blood sugar is reduced, the cells use the sugar as energy, strengthening the metabolism and providing steady energy throughout the day.

Amla murabba prevents the dangerous ups and downs in blood sugar levels and can be easily included by diabetics in their diet.

6.) Prevents Anemia

benefits of amla murabba for female

Another major problem that is very prevalent among women is anemia.

Women are more likely to experience iron deficiency because they lose blood during menstruation.

Pregnant women are also at a higher risk because they need more iron to support their baby’s development.

Amla has anti-anemic properties.

It is rich in iron which increases iron levels in the body.

The abundance of vitamin C makes for a unique combination because it increases the body’s ability to absorb the nutrients required for blood production.

7.) Prevents Menstrual Cramps

Some of the minerals and vitamins in amla make it effective in preventing menstrual cramps.

Females must include amla murabba in their regular diet since it takes a while for the necessary elements to accumulate.

Eating amla murabba regularly will ensure that these elements are constantly in the system and will prevent cramps every month.

8.) Protects from Cancer

The antioxidant properties of amla can protect females from the risk of cancer.

It protects cells from the damage caused by harmful free radicals.

Amla also has a high capacity to reduce oxidative stress, which can lead to cancer.

It slows down the growth of cancer cells and eventually kills them, without harming healthy cells.

Amla is found effective against breast cancer, lung and mouth cancer, and colorectal cancer.

9.) Benefits of Amla Murabba for Female Skin


benefits of amla murabba for female

Amla Murabba can help women stay healthy and youthful.

Amla is loaded with antioxidants that protect the skin from damage caused by harmful free radicals.

These free radicals are responsible for age-related issues like wrinkles and age spots.

Eating vitamin C-enriched amla will help females keep their skins radiant and healthy.

10.) Benefits of Amla Murabba for Female Hair Growth

Eating amla murabba can also benefit females’ hair.

Its ability to increase hair growth and pigmentation makes it an essential element in many hair tonics.

Amla strengthens hair roots, maintains color, and improves its luster.

Women can see an increase in their hair growth and improvement in color by eating amla murabba.

The carotene, iron, and antioxidant properties of amla also reduce hair loss by preventing free radicals from damaging hair follicles or inhibiting the hormones that cause premature hair loss.

11.) Improves Immunity

Amla has antibacterial and astringent qualities that protect the body against infections and improve immunity.

Amla has an abundance of vitamin C known for its remarkable antioxidant properties and increasing immunity.

Also Read: WellHealth Ayurvedic Health Tips

Takeaway Message

Ayurveda has considered amla a superfood because of its nutritional and medicinal richness.

Many clinical studies have shown that amla possesses antipyretic, analgesic, antitussive, antiatherogenic, adaptogenic, cardioprotective, gastroprotective, antianemia, anti-hypercholesterolemia, wound healing, antidiarrheal, antiatherosclerotic, hepatoprotective, nephroprotective, and neuroprotective properties.

Amla murabba is a tasty candy that can be easily prepared at home.

Working females can also easily carry it with them.

The recommended amount of amla to eat in a day is one or two amlas.

The benefits of amla murabba for female are so remarkable that every women should add this wonder fruit to her diet without a doubt.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the writer’s opinions and should not be considered a substitute for an expert’s advice.

Readings & References

2 thoughts on “Benefits of Amla Murabba for Female: Wonders of Wonder Fruit”

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