Are There Any Side Effects of Gym for Females?

Are There Any Side Effects of Gym for Females?

Who does not want to look good and attractive? When these physical attributes are accompanied by the best of your health then it is a winning combination. The desire to look good has existed since the existence of human civilization. Our brains are programmed such that we naturally feel the urge to look good and also appreciate the beauty around us. It is widely believed that females are far more conscious regarding their looks than their male counterparts. However, it is not that they are doing this to please others only. Most of the time females want to look at their best for their own sake. This has made women step out of their homes and join gyms to gain beauty with health. There are evident benefits of it but are there any side effects of gym for females too?

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Are There Any Side Effects of Gym for Females? – Unveiling the Unseen

Regular physical exercise, particularly through gym workouts is appreciated worldwide for its benefits for females and males.

In my experience, whenever I discuss female gym workouts, I get very positive responses from everyone. They count on the advantages of gym workouts.

However, critical thinking helps too and I feel knowing the disadvantages of the gym will empower women more towards their health.

This will help them keep a check on their workouts and health goals more accurately.

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Are There Any Side Effects of Gym for Females? – Know Your Body

The benefits of workouts on the physical and mental well-being of females are very well documented and evident too.

It is, however, equally crucial to acknowledge the potential side effects of those workouts that do not go well for the body type of user.

The side effects could be due to overtraining, improper techniques, pre-existing health conditions, bad eating habits, etc.

These can adversely affect a person’s mental, emotional, and physical condition.

Females must, first of all, understand the peculiar characteristics of their bodies. As per an article from the National Library of Science:

A.) Bones and Joints

When you compare males and females, you’ll notice that women generally have shorter arms and legs compared to their overall body size.

In men, the lower part of the body, like the legs, makes up 56% of their total height, while in women, it’s about 51.2%.

This gives women a bit of an advantage in certain sports, especially those that require more balancing, like gymnastics.

However, in women, a wider pelvis can affect how the hips, thighs, and knees align. This can make them more prone to knee problems, particularly around the kneecap and thigh bone area.

B.) Muscles

During prepubertal years, there is not much difference in muscle mass between boys and girls.

During puberty, however, because of the influence of the testosterone boys accumulate greater muscle mass.

In grown-ups, the total muscle area in women is 60%, while it’s 80% in men.

C.) Ligaments and Joints

Women tend to have more flexible joints than men.

This makes them potentially more prone to accidents or injuries during exercise or sports.

Greater joint flexibility increases the risk of injuries like sprains or twists, especially in activities that require quick movements or changes in direction.

Are There Any Side Effects of Gym for Females? – Disadvantages

Females are increasingly becoming aware of keeping themselves fit as a fiddle.

Multiple kicking factors include staying competitive, increased efficiency, combating potential illnesses, post-pregnancy weight loss, social media influence, etc.

Females, being the cornerstone of a family and society at large, must pay attention to their health irrespective of the reason.

Are There Any Side Effects of Gym for Females?

However, if a workout is started without proper preparation or guidance it can become potentially disadvantageous.

“Women and Men have different strengths and weaknesses, physiologically speaking,” explains Dr. Callista Morris, an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine.

“Most of these differences come from body composition and hormone levels which can be affected by things such as menstruation. These factors make certain injuries more common for women.”

Let us talk about some of the disadvantages that women are more prone to:

1.) ACL Tears

An anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear is a common injury for active women.

A woman can get an ACL tear during gym when any activity requires sudden stopping, pivoting, or landing from a jump with improper techniques.

This can cause stress on the knees leading to an injury.

Females can reduce the risk of ACL tear by strengthening leg muscles, incorporating balancing exercises, & practicing proper techniques for landings and jumps.

2.) Stress Fractures

Are There Any Side Effects of Gym for Females?

A stress fracture is a type of injury that happens because of repetitive stress put on the bones.

It is more common among females suffering from the “female athlete triad”.

The female athlete triad is a mix of inadequate nutrition, irregular periods, and bone loss. At its most extreme, the triad can be caused by eating disorders, amenorrhea (or absent periods), and osteoporosis.

As per Dr. Morris, “Females can avoid stress fractures by taking a healthy diet and must include enough calcium and vitamin D in their diet”.

“Do workouts that are appropriate for your skill level. If you do high-impact workouts and exercises or participate in overuse sports such as long-distance running without adequate rest, be aware that they increase your risk of fractures.”

Females must consult their physician if dealing with a “female athlete triad”.

3.) Menstrual Dysfunction

As per an article in the National Library of Medicine, girls typically start their period around 12.7 years old in the USA and 13.5 years old in parts of Europe.

If girls start intense training before getting their period, it might delay the start of their period and lead to more menstrual problems compared to those who begin training after starting their period.

4.) Over Training Syndrome

Fatigue and underperformance are very common after gym workouts.

Understanding overtraining is very helpful in evaluation, management, and education.

 Overtraining syndrome happens when you exercise too much without enough rest.

This can cause discomfort in various body systems like the nervous, hormonal, and immune systems, leading to mood changes.

A common side effect of intense Gym workouts in females is overtraining which leads to physical exhaustion.

Pushing the body beyond limits without proper rest can result in fatigue, decreased performance, and increased injury risk.

There is a possibility of an impact on the immune system after overtraining which may result in illnesses and infections.

5.) Risk of Hypertension

Are There Any Side Effects of Gym for Females?

Going to the gym can relieve stress, reduce body fat, and help you feel more confident however most females tend to spend time on the treadmill or stay busy cycling.

Only about 20% of women focus on resistance training and lifting.

Excess concentration on cardiovascular workouts by women can lead to high blood pressure.

Extreme and extended cardiovascular workouts may lead to increased levels of blood pressure. It poses a risk of hypertension.

Researchers from the Boston University School of Medicine found that having higher blood pressure during exercise is linked to an increased risk of developing hypertension.

Also, if your blood pressure takes longer to return to normal after exercise, it’s associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and death.

6.) Heart At Risk

Extended cardiovascular workouts can sometimes cause heart problems in women, especially those with existing heart conditions.

There have been several sudden cardiac deaths in relatively young, and seemingly healthy individuals.

According to the Mayo Clinic study, prolonged and intense endurance exercise can lead to harmful changes in the structure of the heart and large arteries.

7.) Hormonal Imbalances

Intense workouts can lead to increased cortisol levels, the stress hormone, which, in excess, may contribute to weight gain, sleep disturbance, and mood swings.

Women may experience irregular menstrual cycles or amenorrhea due to hormonal imbalances caused by excessive exercise.

Are There Any Side Effects of Gym for Females?

Practical Tips on Avoiding the Side Effects of Gym by Females

Females can follow the following practical tips to avoid or reduce the side effects of the gym:

  • Adequate Warm-Up: You must warm up your body adequately before starting any further exercise.
  • Proper Techniques: Learn and practice the right way of doing an exercise. Avoid hits and trials when it comes to exercising. Take the help of a trainer or expert to learn the correct technique.
  • Gradual Progress: Avoid pushing yourself for rigorous exercises too quickly. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your exercise.
  • Rest and Recovery: Rest is an essential element of an exercise program. Incorporate rest days into your schedule. This will prevent overtraining and injuries.
  • Hydration: Keep yourself well hydrated before, during, and after exercise to avoid getting dehydrated.
  • Balanced Diet: Incorporate a well-balanced and nutritious diet with a proper combination of vitamins, minerals, protein, carbs, and healthy fats.
  • Consult with a Physician: If at all you are experiencing any pain, discomfort, or fatigue during the exercise, consult a doctor for that.
  • Strength Training: Apart from doing cardio workouts, include strength training also to build muscle strength and support joint stability.
  • Proper Gear: Wear comfortable shoes, clothes, and other gear so that you can exercise comfortably.

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Takeaway Message

Regular exercise is very important for females to obtain better health, a good lifestyle, and a positive self-image as well as learning teamwork, commitment, and goal setting.

A basic understanding of their body type and requirements will go a long way in reducing the side effects in females that may occur due to gymming.

The ‘female athlete triad’ includes three main components: low energy intake, irregular periods, and osteoporosis (weakened bones). This combination poses a significant health risk to females.

Females need to recognize the signs and symptoms of over-workouts and any of the above-mentioned syndromes.

Education, expert guidance, and participation in physical evaluation are the most important tools of prevention.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article should not be considered as a substitute for a physician’s advice. Please consult your treating physician for more details.

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