Ajwain Water for Baby: A Mom’s Best-Kept Baby Care Secret

Ajwain water for baby

Welcoming a baby into the world is the most joyous but equally very hectic for all family members. The job is to make everything fuss-free and cozy so that the baby is growing up happily, which is not an easy task for any mother. Sometimes mothers find themselves caught up in such a situation where all their efforts go in vain. A colic pain in the baby can be nightmarish for both the mother and the baby. Ajwain water for baby is used as a natural remedy to soothe colicky babies. The carminative properties of Ajwain are thought to help reduce abdominal discomfort and colic symptoms.

In this article, we will talk about whether Ajwain water is safe for babies, the benefits of Ajwain water for babies, the best time to give Ajwain water to babies, how to prepare Ajwain water for babies, age appropriateness, and precautions to be taken.

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Is Ajwain Water Safe for Babies?

If you are giving Ajwain water, also known as carom seed water, to your baby in moderation and in appropriate dilution then it is generally considered safe for babies. Ajwain water is commonly used as a practice, in certain cultures, to cure various digestive issues in both adults and infants.

Considering that the safety and health of your baby should always be the first priority, you must always consult a pediatrician before introducing a new food or drink to your baby’s diet.

You should not introduce ajwain water to your baby if she is under six months of age as her digestive system is still under development. Babies under six months of age should be given breast milk or formula milk as a primary source of nutrition.

ajwain water for baby

A Precautionary Guide

You can consider the following guidelines while introducing Ajwain water to your baby:

  • Age: Ajwain water is generally not recommended for babies under six months of age. For the first six months, the baby should primarily be given breast or formula milk. Introducing any new food or drink before six months of age may increase the risk of allergies, digestive issues, and other complications.
  • Dilution: In the beginning, the Ajwain water should be given to the baby in a very diluted form. A common ratio is one pinch of ajwain seeds (crushed) to about 100 ml of water.

Avoid concentrated Ajwain solutions for babies.

  • Moderation: You must always give Ajwain water in moderation and must never exceed the generally recommended dosage (usually 2-3 teaspoons for babies).
  • Consult a Pediatrician: You must consult a pediatrician before introducing Ajwain water or any new food or drink to your baby. A pediatrician will be able to guide you on how to introduce Ajwain water to your baby depending on her age, developmental readiness, needs, and health status.
  • Quality of Ajwain Used: Make sure that the Ajwain seeds you are using are of high quality and free from contamination. You can buy these seeds from a reputed seller.
  • Gradual Introduction: Once approved by the pediatrician, you must take care of introducing Ajwain water to the baby in a very small quantity and in a very diluted form.

The quantity of Ajwain water should be increased gradually taking into account how well the baby is taking the water.

  • Allergies: Not all babies will respond to the Ajwain water in the same way. You must closely observe your baby if there are any signs of allergies. These may include rashes on the skin, hives, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or unusual fussiness.

You must stop giving Ajwain water to the baby if any of the above-mentioned symptoms occur and consult your pediatrician immediately.

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When To Introduce – How Much Is Too Much

When it comes to a baby caution is the keyword. You must take care of giving Ajwain water to the baby in moderation always. Some general guidelines according to the age of Ajwain water for babies are:

  • Newborns (0-3 months): Babies of this age group are too small and do not have a digestion system developed enough to take Ajwain water. The babies in the age group of 0-3 months should not be given the Ajwain water. Their primary source of nutrition should be breast or formula milk.
  • Infants (3-6 months): If your infant has started taking solids, then you can introduce Ajwain water to her in a very small amount, such as 1-2 teaspoons.

It is essential to see the baby’s response to the Ajwain water. You can increase the quantity of the water gradually if the baby tolerates it well.

  • Babies (7-12 months): For older babies who are taking solids, you can offer Ajwain water in small amounts, but do not exceed 2-3 teaspoons per day.

It is essential to maintain a balanced diet and not rely solely upon carom seeds water for hydration or nutrition.

  • Toddlers (1-2 years): You can continue Ajwain water as a part of a balanced diet for your baby but the amount should not exceed 2-3 teaspoons daily.
  • Children (2 years and older): Once your child has passed the toddler stage, you can increase the quantity of Ajwain water to 2-4 tablespoons per day. However, keep a close eye on your baby’s reaction to it.

It is equally essential to maintain a well-balanced diet.

Ajwain water for baby

How To Make Ajwain Water for Baby At Home – Ajwain Water Recipes for Babies

Making Ajwain water for a baby at home is a simple process. The step-by-step guide to this simple process is:


  • ¼ to ½ teaspoon of ajwain seeds
  • 1 cup of water


  • Boil the water in a clean container.
  • Put the Ajwain seeds in the boiling water and reduce the flame at the sim.
  • Let the Ajwain seeds simmer in the water for 5-7 minutes. This will help in releasing essential oils and flavors into the water.
  • Turn off the heat and let the Ajwain water cool down to room temperature.
  • Now, strain the Ajwain water in another clean container using a strainer.
  • Give the Ajwain water to the baby in small quantities, such as 1-2 teaspoons depending upon the age and tolerance level of your baby.

Other Notes:

  • While giving Ajwain water to the baby, you must ensure that the water is not hot. It should be either lukewarm or at room temperature.
  • You can also add jaggery in a very small amount in the carom seeds water to sweeten it. However, this should not become a practice as jaggery is high in sugar.
  • You must also closely watch for any symptoms of allergy in your baby. If your baby shows signs of rashes on the skin, hives, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or unusual fussiness, then stop Ajwain water immediately and consult the pediatrician.

Best Time to Give Ajwain Water to Baby

The best time to give Ajwain water to a baby depends upon the age and their specific needs. Some general guidelines in this regard are:

  • Before or After Meals: For infants and young babies (4-12 months old) you can offer Ajwain water before and after the meals. Giving it before meals will help prepare their digestive system, while after the meals will help in digestion and prevent colic and gas.
  • Colicky Babies: If your baby is showing signs of being colicky, gassy, or fussy then Ajwain water can be given immediately, be it day or night.
  • As Per the Need: The beauty of Ajwain water is that it can be given at any time of the day depending upon the need of the baby, though specific timings increase the benefits.
  • Before Bed: For babies who experience nighttime colic or gas, giving Ajwain water before bedtime may help them to sleep peacefully.

Benefits of Ajwain Water for Baby

Ajwain water is a traditional practice in many cultures as a remedy for treating digestive issues in babies. It is a common belief and also a proven fact that Ajwain water provides several potential benefits to a baby’s digestive health.

Some of the potential benefits include:

1.) Relieves Colic and Gas: Ajwain water is used to alleviate colic symptoms in babies. Colitis can cause excessive discomfort, crying, and fussiness in babies due to gas and indigestion.

Ajwain’s carminative properties may help reduce gas and provide relief to colicky babies.

2.) Good For Digestion: The presence of a thymol component in Ajwain aids in digestion.

Ajwain water helps in the secretion of gastric juices and enzymes which in turn helps in the proper digestion of the food. A properly digested food helps in preventing indigestion and acidity in the babies.

3.) For Babies Constipation: Ajwain water is also provides relief to babies in their constipation.

It is mild laxative in nature and helps in smoothening the hardened stool which makes bowel movement easier for babies.

4.) Boosts Appetite in Baby: Ajwain water helps properly regulating the digestive system, it is therefore effective in increasing babies’ appetite.

5.) Ajwain Water for Baby Cough: Ajwain water is very effective in treating respiratory issues such as colds, coughs, and congestion in babies.

6.) Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant: Ajwain seeds contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that may help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract and protect against oxidative stress.

7.) Strengthens the Immunity Of the Baby: Having a healthy digestive system indirectly promotes a healthy immune system.

A digestive system free from problems such as gas, indigestion, constipation, etc. helps in the proper absorption of nutrients from the food. This will then help in the overall development of the baby.

It is very important to understand that all the babies will not respond to the ajwain water in the same manner. The benefits and results of the Ajwain water may vary from child to child.

It is, therefore, necessary to administer the Ajwain water to babies with caution and in moderation. You must avoid giving ajwain water to your baby in excess.

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Food Combinations to Avoid with Ajwain Water for Baby

When administering Ajwain water to the baby, it is also necessary to take care of the food combinations to ensure the efficacy of Ajwain water and the digestive health of the baby in general.

You should avoid the following food combinations with the Ajwain water:

1.) Caffeine: Avoid giving Ajwain water with caffeine-containing beverages like tea or coffee, as caffeine can interfere with digestion and may not be suitable for babies.

2.) Dairy: You should also avoid combining dairy-based products or milk with the Ajwain water.

If your baby is lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy, then combining carom seeds water can further lead to digestion-related issues.

3.) Citrus Fruits: You should avoid mixing citrus fruits such as lemon, oranges, or grapefruits with ajwain water.

These fruits are acidic in nature and the mixture might not be suitable for your baby considering that she still has a sensitive stomach.

4.) Spicy Foods: In order to see the best results, you must also avoid giving spicy or heavy foods to your baby.

5.) Gas-Inducing Foods: Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, beans, and lentils are the foods which can cause gas to your baby. You should avoid these foods or introduce them in small quantities only in your baby’s diet. This will ensure that your baby gets relief from gas or any other digestion-related troubles.

6.) Processed or Junk Food: Avoid giving junk food, sugary snacks, and processed foods to your baby.

7.) Allergenic Foods: You should avoid combiningallergenic foods such as nuts, eggs, and shellfish with Ajwain water.

8.) Medications or Supplements: If your baby is under any medication, you must consult the pediatrician before introducing ajwain water.

The Takeaway

Ajwain water is a natural remedy for babies’ digestive issues.  This is also a very simple, convenient, and cheap method used by mothers to provide relief to their cute munchkins.

I am hopeful that you will find the above guide helpful.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1.) What are the side effects of Ajwain water for babies?

Ans.) Some of the side effects include

  • allergies (such as rashes, hives, respiratory issues),
  • fever,
  • fussiness,
  • diarrhea,
  • constipation,
  • vomiting,
  • acid reflux, and
  • dehydration.

Q2.) Does Ajwain water help in constipation in babies?

Ans.) Ajwain does relieve babies from digestion-related problems including constipation. The laxative nature of ajwain water helps in making the bowel movements smooth for your baby.

However, be cautious in introducing Ajwain water in moderation only to your baby.

Q3.) What is the best remedy for constipation in babies?

Ans.) Bringing about certain changes in the diet of your baby can help in relieving her from constipation. You must include green vegetables, fibrous food, fruits, etc. in the diet of your baby.

Increasing the intake of fluids in the diet of your baby will also help in constipation. You must see that your baby stays hydrated.

You can also give a gentle massage to your baby’s tummy in the clockwise direction to help stimulate bowel movement.

Moving your baby’s legs gently in bicycle motion also helps relieve gas and stimulate the bowels.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article should not be considered as a substitute for a physician’s advice. Please consult your treating physician for more details.

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2 thoughts on “Ajwain Water for Baby: A Mom’s Best-Kept Baby Care Secret”

  1. अजवाइन का पानी न केवल बच्चों के लिए बल्कि बड़ों के लिए भी बहुत लाभकारी हैं। यूरिक एसिड से परेशान लोगों के लिए यह अमृत है।


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