Ajwain Water During Pregnancy: Expecting Moms’ Wellness

ajwain water during pregnancy

Pregnancy is an emotional journey for the expecting mother. It is the time when she feels an incredible connection with her unborn child. It is also a testing time when hormonal changes take you on an emotional rollercoaster. From tears of joy to moments of anxiety, an expecting mother battles every queasy moment like a soldier for the love of her baby. Thankfully, Ajwain water during pregnancy provides a natural remedy for easing your pregnancy discomforts. If you consume Ajwain water during pregnancy then it can also provide you with some amazing benefits.

Before taking you through the advantages of Ajwain water during pregnancy, let me tell you about Ajwain and its nutritional benefits

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What is Ajwain and Its Nutrition?

Arum copticum L., commonly referred to as ‘Ajwain,’ flourishes in numerous corners of the world, including the enchanting landscapes of Iran and the vibrant regions of India, particularly the states of Gujarat and Rajasthan.

Throughout history, this remarkable herb, C. copticum, has been a cherished source of relief for a spectrum of human ailments, providing solace from the burdens of bloating, weariness, the relentless grip of diarrhea, the haunting presence of abdominal tumors, the sting of abdominal pain, the suffocation of respiratory distress, and even the cruel thief that is a lost appetite.

Ajwain bestows additional blessings upon health with its antifungal, antioxidant, antibacterial, antiparasitic, and hypolipidemic properties.

Nutrition of Ajwain

This remarkable plant boasts a rich array of essential elements, including carbohydrates, glucosides, saponins, and vital phenolic compounds like carvacol.

It also harbors precious volatile oils such as thymol, paracymene, and beta-pinene, alongside the nourishing goodness of proteins, fats, and fiber.

It also has essential minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, iron, and the indispensable nicotinic acid, also known as niacin.

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Is It Safe To Drink Ajwain Water During Pregnancy?

Ajwain water is considered safe for consumption during pregnancy when taken in moderation and as a part of a complete and balanced diet.

It has been used in many cultures, for ages, to address common pregnancy discomforts such as gas, bloating, constipation, acid reflux, etc.

However, it is essential to follow certain guidelines to ensure its safe consumption.

ajwain water during pregnancy

Guidelines For Safe Consumption of Ajwain Water During Pregnancy

  • Moderation: Consume ajwain water in moderation, just like a medicine.
  • Consult with your Gynaecologist: You must consult your healthcare provider before incorporating Ajwain water into your diet.

 They will provide personalized guidance to you based on your health condition.

  • Quality and Preparation: Always use high-quality Ajwain seeds, from a reputed seller, which will be free from contamination.

 Also, Ajwain water must be prepared properly. The Ajwain seeds must be boiled and strained properly to avoid the risk of any adverse reactions.

  • Start Slowly: Pregnancy time is different from the usual times of life. A woman has to go through a lot of hormonal changes throughout this period.

 Start with a small quantity of Ajwain water, all the more if you are a first-timer, and observe how your body reacts to it. Pay close attention to any signs of discomfort or adverse reactions.

If you experience any signs of an allergic reaction, such as itching, hives, swelling, fever, or difficulty breathing immediately stop the consumption of Ajwain water and seek medical help.

  • Stay Hydrated: Ajwain water should not be the only and primary source of staying hydrated during pregnancy. You must drink plenty of water and include loads of fruits in your diet to stay well hydrated.
  • Balanced Diet: It is true that Ajwain water can provide relief in various ways during pregnancy, however, you must take a well-balanced and nutritious diet, as required, so that you and your baby receive proper nutrition throughout the period.

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Benefits of Ajwain Water During Pregnancy

Ajwain, scientifically known as Trachyspermum ammi or Arum copticum L., is a herb commonly used in traditional medicine and cuisine in many parts of the world.

Ajwain is commonly recommended during pregnancy due to its potential benefits. Some of these benefits are scientifically proven whereas some are proven traditionally in various cultures.

Though Ajwain has various benefits to offer during pregnancy, however, you must consult your gynecologist or healthcare provider before incorporating Ajwain in your diet.

Some of the benefits of Ajwain water during pregnancy are:

1.) Ajwain Water During Pregnancy Aids in Gas and Bloating

Ajwain water, derived from the seeds of Ajwain, has been traditionally used for its digestive benefits. It can be particularly helpful in providing relief from digestion-related problems experienced during pregnancy.

Thymol and carvacrol compounds found in Ajwain seeds have carminative properties. These properties help relax the gastrointestinal tract’s smooth muscles, reducing gas, bloating, and discomfort.

One common problem experienced by pregnant women is increased gas and bloating due to hormonal changes. Ajwain water can help in providing relief from these symptoms.

2.) Aids in Morning Sickness

Traditionally, ajwain water has been used to get relief from pregnancy-related woes. Its potential digestive and anti-nausea properties help in alleviating morning sickness.

The active compounds present in Ajwain seeds such as thymol and carvacrol have anti-nausea and anti-emetic (anti-vomiting) properties. These compounds help in reducing the sensation of nausea and the urge to vomit, providing relief from morning sickness.

Various hormonal changes lead to slow digestion which is also one of the reasons for vomiting. Ajwain water stimulates the production of digestive enzymes, promoting better digestion and reducing the likelihood of nausea caused by undigested food.

Ajwain water helps neutralize excess stomach acids, which can contribute to nausea and heartburn. By maintaining a balanced Ph level in the stomach, Ajwain water may provide relief.

3.) Aids in Respiratory Health

Overwhelming levels of hormonal changes during pregnancy put a heavy demand on the body which can sometimes cause respiratory discomfort to the expecting mother.

The beneficial compounds like thymol and carvacrol found in Ajwain seeds have inflammatory properties. They help in reducing inflammation in the airways providing relief from congestion and respiratory distress.

The inhalation of the aroma of Ajwain has decongestant properties. It helps in clearing the nasal passage and reducing congestion experienced by pregnant women due to hormonal changes.

Ajwain water is used traditionally for its antitussive (cough-suppressing) qualities. The warming properties of Ajwain water may help in providing relief from colds and coughs during pregnancy.

The antispasmodic properties of Ajwain water help in relaxing the bronchial muscles. This helps in easing respiratory distress and reducing coughing episodes.

Another quality of Ajwain water is that it helps in loosening of mucus in the airways. This makes it easier to expel the mucus and provides relief from chest congestion.

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ajwain water during pregnancy

4.) Ajwain Water during Pregnancy Aids in Reducing Edema

Some pregnant women experience water retention, leading to swollen legs and feet.

The diuretic properties of Ajwain water may assist in reducing edema (swelling) in pregnant women.

5.) Rich in Essential Nutrients

The essential nutrients present in the Ajwain water can contribute to the overall well-being of both the expectant mother and the developing baby in the womb.

However, it is important to reiterate that you cannot solely rely upon the Ajwain water as a sole source of nutrition during pregnancy.

Pregnant women need to increase their calcium intake to meet the developmental demands of the baby in the womb. Ajwain water contains calcium which is crucial for the development of a baby’s bones and teeth.

The presence of iron in the Ajwain water helps in fighting against anemia. This helps in combating issues of fatigue and weakness during pregnancy.

Niacin (Vitamin B3) supports healthy skin, nerves, and digestion during pregnancy. Ajwain water provides a source of niacin.

Phosphorus helps in the development of a baby’s bones and teeth as well as in maintaining the mother’s bone health.

Constipation is a common problem among pregnant women due to hormonal changes and pressure on the intestines. Ajwain water, when consumed with seeds, provides dietary fiber and makes bowel movement easier.

Ajwain water also contains some amount of both protein and healthy fats. They are necessary for the growth and development of the baby’s tissues, organs, brain, and nervous system.

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6.) Ajwain Water during Pregnancy Helps in Indigestion

Indigestion is a common problem experienced by the expecting mothers during their period of pregnancy. This is often accompanied by other symptoms such as heartburn and acid reflux.

The carminative properties of Ajwain water help in alleviating these symptoms by reducing excess stomach acidity and promoting smoother digestion.

7.) Ajwain Water during Pregnancy Helps in Alleviating Abdominal Pain

Pregnant women also come across abdominal discomforts in the form of pain or cramping, often associated with digestion. Ajwain water’s antispasmodic properties help in relaxing abdominal muscles and reducing pain and discomfort.


8.) Ajwain Water during Pregnancy Gives Relief from Constipation

Pregnant ladies frequently experience constipation due to hormonal changes and the pressure of the growing uterus on the intestines.

The laxative property of Ajwain water helps in softening the stool and promotes proper bowel movement.

9.) Ajwain Water during Pregnancy Reduces Stress

Strong hormonal changes during pregnancy lead to unnecessary stress to the expecting mother. This stress is not good for the development of the baby in the womb.

Some cultures believe that the aroma of Ajwain has a calming effect that can help reduce stress and anxiety. It is necessary for the mother to be more relaxed and happier during the pregnancy for better development of the baby in the womb.

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How Does Ajwain Water During Pregnancy Help Baby in the Womb?

If an expecting mother consumes Ajwain water during her pregnancy, it will potentially give benefits to both the expectant mother and the developing baby in the womb.

Essential nutrients like calcium, iron, phosphorous, vitamin B3, and protein are found in Ajwain water, and they are considered crucial for the developing baby’s growth and overall health.

By giving relief to the expecting mother from digestion-related problems (gas, bloating, constipation), respiratory problems, nausea, vomiting, etc., it ensures the overall well-being of the mother.

The calming effects of the aroma of Ajwain reduce the stress and anxiety of the mother. A relaxed mother can create a more favorable environment for the baby in the womb.

How To Prepare Ajwain Water During Pregnancy?


  • 1-2 teaspoons of Ajwain seeds
  • A glass of water


  • Boil the water in a pan and put Ajwain seeds in the boiling water.
  • Let the Ajwain seeds boil in the water for some 5 minutes.
  • Switch off the gas and let the mixture cool down.
  • After the mixture cools down, strain the water using a strainer.
  • You can also store the Ajwain water for the day in a safe place.
  • Start with a small quantity only and monitor your body’s response to it.

ajwain water during pregnancy

How Much Ajwain Water To Consume During Pregnancy – Trimester-Wise Basis

The dosage of Ajwain water during pregnancy can vary from person to person, depending upon individual needs and health status.

The rule of thumb is to take it in moderation always and under the guidance of your healthcare provider.

Ajwain Water During First Trimester

Nausea and vomiting mainly dominate the first trimester. You can start by taking a smaller quantity of Ajwain water to get rid of this feeling.

Begin with approx. ½ to 1 teaspoon of Ajwain seed in one glass of water. Consume it once a day, ideally in the morning or whenever you feel nausea.

Ajwain Water During Second Trimester

You can continue with the same quantity in the second trimester if it has proven effective in giving relief to you. However again, moderation is the key.

Ajwain Water During Third Trimester

Congratulations to you on coming successfully this far!

If Ajwain water has given relief to you in your digestion-related issues in the last 2 trimesters, you can continue taking the same dosage.

Be cautious about any potential discomfort or side effects throughout using the Ajwain water. Discontinue the use if you experience any trouble and consult the doctor immediately.

The Takeaway

People across the world commonly use Ajwain, an herb, in medicines and cuisines. Its exceptional quality to provide relief from digestion-related problems makes it a popular choice in various forms during pregnancy.

Ajwain water during pregnancy not only gives relief from digestive issues but also is effective in respiratory problems, morning sickness, stress, and anxiety.

The individual reaction to herbs may vary from person to person and excessive consumption may lead to adverse reactions also.

Although limited scientific research specifically addresses the potential harm to the fetus caused by Ajwain, excessive consumption of it may harm the developing baby.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article should not be considered as a substitute for a physician’s advice. Please consult your treating physician for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1.) Is ajwain water good for cold during pregnancy?

Ans.) Ajwain water is beneficial for treating certain symptoms of cold during pregnancy. The steam from Ajwain water, when inhaled, can help relieve nasal congestion.

The anti-inflammatory properties of Ajwain help in soothing a sore throat.

Ajwain is an expectorant which helps in thinning of the mucus and expelling it from the respiratory tract. This provides relief from chest congestion.

Ajwain water provides helpful relief for colds and should be used in conjunction with other recommended treatments.

Q2.) Is ajwain and jeera good for pregnancy?

Ans.) Both ajwain and jeera are used in moderation during pregnancy. The two of them have unique benefits to offer to the pregnant ladies.

Q3.) Is ajwain water hot or cold?

Ans.) Ajwain water is “hot” in terms of its warming properties in traditional Ayurvedic and herbal medicine systems. This means that it is believed to generate heat within the body and can have a warming effect when consumed.

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2 thoughts on “Ajwain Water During Pregnancy: Expecting Moms’ Wellness”

  1. अद्भुत लेख। अजवाइन स्वास्थ्य के लिए अमृत है। तुमने विस्तार से अजवाइन के लाभ पर प्रकाश डाला है। आशा है इससे मांए लाभान्वित होंगी।


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