Ayurvedic Herbs for Brain: Raise Brainpowers

Ayurveda, the science (Ved) of life (ayu), has believed that an individual can lead a healthy, blissful, and productive life by placing due emphasis on nutrition, diet, and conduct along with Rasayana (rejuvenating) plants. The Indian work culture, till medieval times, required both physical and mental strength. Ayurveda has extensively scripted such herbs which significantly benefit increasing bodily and intellectual capacities. Modern times involve more mental work and cognition-related tasks and decision-making than physical labor due to technological advancements. Ayurvedic herbs for brain have become all the more relevant today. This article will explore some of the best Ayurvedic herbs for brain.

Also Read: WellHealth Ayurvedic Health Tips

Ayurveda and Brain Health

In Ayurveda, the brain’s health is all about maintaining a balance between the physical, mental, spiritual, and sensory aspects.

WHO later adopted a similar definition of health as a complete harmony between physical, mental, social, and spiritual aspects, not just the absence of illnesses.

In simpler terms, Ayurveda defines brain health as a balance of three key elements or doshas – Kapha, Pitta, and Vata.

These doshas are often misunderstood as only “phlegm”, “bile”, and “wind”.

It is necessary to understand these crucial aspects of the human body.

  • Kapha – This dosha is like the structure and support system of the body. It is responsible for the strength, immune system, and overall physical stability of the body.
  • Pitta – This dosha handles all the digestion and metabolism, including how your body processes the food and energy. It is also responsible for balancing the heat and energy of the body.
  • Vata – It is responsible for the movement and the nervous system. It controls all the energetic and neural activities in the body, from the movement of the muscles to the functioning of the brain.

An ancient scripture, the Susruta Samhita, defines health as more than the absence of diseases.

A healthy person must have his doshas, metabolic processes, and bodily functions balanced along with the well-being of the mind, senses, and spirits.

Importance of Ayurvedic Herbs for Brain

Our brain loses its power not just with age but also due to pollution, stress, injury, infection, alcohol consumption, smoking, lack of sleep, depression, inflammation, chronic diseases, etc.

Ayurveda has placed importance on the rasayana to rejuvenate the mind and body.

The rasayana includes herbs, therapies, diet, and behavior.

Rasayana-based therapies rejuvenate the brain and its senses.

Ayurveda recommends that Rasayana should be used throughout life, especially in the early and Middle Ages.

Various drugs or herbs used in Ayurveda for improving mental health come in the category of medhya rasayanas.

Medhya Rasayanas refers to the Ayurvedic remedies that nourish the brain.

These rasayanas calm the mind, improve focus, and boost memory thereby improving concentration and clarity in thinking.

Let us now look at some of the amazing Ayurvedic herbs for brain.

Amazing Ayurvedic Herbs for Brain

Certain Ayurvedic herbs work as brain tonics and adaptogens. This means they help the brain to stay healthy and function better, especially under stress.

These herbs provide special nutrients to the brain which help in improving mental health and reducing issues like memory loss and other behavioral problems.

Some of the fantastic Ayurvedic herbs that can do wonders for your mind are:

1.) Vacha

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Known in Sanskrit by the name Vacha, the scientific name of this herb is Acorus calamus Linn.

Studies have shown that the Vacha herb protects the brain by reducing oxidative damage, preventing seizures, alleviating depression, and improving memory and learning.

Some of the findings of various studies done on the Vacha herb are classified below:

  • Antioxidant Effect – The strong antioxidant properties of the Vacha herb protect the brain cells from the damage caused by free radicals.
  • Anticonvulsant Effect – When raw and processed Vacha extracts were given to the rats, they reduced the duration of seizures.

Processed Vacha was found to be more effective.

  • Antidepressant Effect – Tests on animals also showed that Vacha extracts helped in reducing the symptoms of depression.
  • Neuroprotective Effect – Studies on rats showed that ethanol extracts of the Vacha herb enhanced memory and spatial recognition, helping the brain to learn and recall information better.

2.) Matsyakshi

The scientific name of this herb is Alternanthera sessilis.

The herb is known in Ayurveda for enhancing memory (smruthi) and intelligence (medha).

The herb helps in calming the mind and reducing stress, which is crucial for maintaining good mental health and avoiding disorders like anxiety and depression.

As per Ayurveda, Acharya Charka also used matsyakshi as an ingredient with other herbs such as bramhi, vacha, pippali, lavana, shankhpushpi, etc. for making a rasayana for the nourishment of the brain.

This Rasayana was to maintain the brain’s overall vitality and energy.

3.) Vidhara

Argyreia speciosa is a popular medicinal plant and has long been used in Ayurvedic medicines for its medicinal properties.

  • Boosts Memory and Learning (Nootropic Activity) – Vidhara root extracts have been shown to improve learning and memory-related abilities.

In studies done on mice, Vidhara helped them to learn fast and remember the task better.

  • Prevents Memory Loss (Anti-Amnesia Effect) – Vidhara roots also reverse the memory loss caused by aging or medications in the mice.
  • Prevents Seizures (Anticonvulsant Activity) – Extracts from Vidhara roots were found to reduce the severity and delay the onset of seizures in mice.

It also protects against drug-induced seizures.

  • Calms the Nervous System (CNS Depressant Activity) – Vidhara extracts have a calming effect on the nervous system, relaxing both body and mind.

It can enhance sleep when combined with other sedatives like pentobarbital.

4.) Shatavari

Ayurvedic herbs for brain

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Shatavari works for overall brain health by acting as an antidepressant, improving memory, reducing stress, and protecting brain cells from damage.

  • Antidepressant Effect – Shatavari reduces depression by improving mood and behavior.

It was shown to make rats more active in depression tests, meaning that it can help in overcoming feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

  • Improves Memory – Shatavari positively affects memory, helping prevent memory loss (amnesia).
  • Reduces Stress – Shatavari is a strong adaptogen which means that it helps the brain and body to adapt to stress.
  • This herb has strong antioxidant and neuroprotective properties, thereby, protecting brain cells from damage caused by toxins, stress, or aging.

5.) Brahmi

Brahmi has derived its name from Lord Brahma and is a powerful herb for enhancing brain function, improving memory, and supporting mental health across all stages of life.

  • Enhances Memory – Brahmi is known as a memory-enhancer herb. It helps in improving memory and concentration.

 It has been traditionally used to sharpen the mind.

  • Rejuvenates Brain – It is used as a Medhya-Rasayana because it rejuvenates the brain, making the mind sharp.
  • Supports Mental Health – Brahmi is used to treat various mental disorders such as hallucinations, schizophrenia, and severe psychosis.
  • Photographic Memory – Brahmi helps learn new things faster and more effectively.
    It helps us remember things better and retain information for long.

6.) Jyotishmati

Jyotishmati is an important medicinal herb.

It is also known as ‘Malakangini’ or ‘black oil plant’. Botanically they are known by the name Celastrus paniculatus.

The seeds and oil of Jyotishmati are widely used to treat neurological disorders such as cognitive dysfunction, cerebral disorders, paralysis, epilepsy, insomnia, etc.

7.) Aparajita

Aparajita, whose botanical name is Clitoria ternatea, has traditionally been used as a brain tonic and is believed to enhance memory and intelligence.

It has been used for centuries as a memory enhancer, nootropic, antistress, anxiolytic, antidepressant, anticonvulsant, tranquilizing, and soothing agent.

8.) Shankhpushpi

Ayurvedic herbs for brain

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Many Ayurvedic physicians regard Shankhpushpi as one of the best brain tonics and use it as a natural tonic for kid’s brain development.

Shankhpushpi helps boost memory and increases grasping powers by enhancing intellectual abilities and concentration.

Researchers believe it has calming properties that help reduce stress and mental fatigue.

Research has indicated that Shankhpushpi is effective in treating conditions like Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

In Ayurveda, practitioners use it to manage severe mental disorders like insanity and epilepsy.

Research also shows that it helps promote sound and restful sleep, which is necessary for our cognitive health.

9.) Hilmochika

The botanical name of the Hilmochika herb is Enhydra fluctuans.

This herb has shown various CNS (Central Nervous System) depressant activity.

It reduces hyperactivity and restlessness by calming down excessive brain activity.

Its soothing properties help with sleep issues, agitation, or stress.

It may prevent or reduce seizures, making it potentially effective in epilepsy or similar situations.

10.) Yashtimadhu

Yashtimadhu helps in memory & cognitive improvement, and brain protection, especially for learning and age-related brain issues.

Its antioxidant properties protect the brain cells from oxidative stress, reducing brain damage and enhancing neuronal functions.

It is beneficial in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

11.) Jatamansi

The botanical name of the Jatamansi herb is Nardostachys jatamansi.

You can find the species throughout the Himalayas, from Pakistan to India (Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Sikkim), Nepal, Tibet, and China.

People mostly use Jatamansi for its effectiveness against neurological and cognitive disorders.

It helps alleviate symptoms like vertigo and seizures.

By reducing oxidative stress in the brain and enhancing learning and memory, Jatamansi in research has shown protection against Alzheimer’s disease.

12.) Pippali

Ayurvedic herbs for brain

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Piper Longum, also known as “long pepper” or “Pippali”, is a plant that grows as a small shrub or climbing vine and belongs to the Piperaceae family.

People commonly use Pippali as a home remedy for various diseases, including brain-related problems.

It is useful against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s by reducing harmful protein, reducing oxidative stress, boosting antioxidant capacity, and improving memory, learning, and motor functions.

It acts as a natural antidepressant by inhibiting enzymes that impact mood.

Improving the brain’s resistance to stress and neurotransmitter levels like dopamine and serotonin reduces stress-related damage.

It may help reduce seizure activity by supporting the brain’s GABA levels, a neurotransmitter crucial for controlling seizures.

13.) Haritaki

People also know Haritaki as the “King of Medicines”, and Ayurveda gives it a supreme place.

It is also the most common herbs in home remedies and traditional medicines.

Some of the brain-related benefits of Terminalia chebula (Haritaki) are:

  • Neuroprotective – Researchers have found that Haritaki extracts are beneficial in protecting the brain from damage caused by harmful substances linked to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
  • Protection from Parkinson’s – Chebulic acid, found in Haritaki, protects the brain from harmful substances that can cause Parkinson’s.
  • Boosts Memory & Learning – Haritaki extracts improve memory and learning by reducing oxidative stress and cell death in the brain.
  • Reduces Anxiety – The plant’s extracts raise levels of important brain chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine that improve mood and reduce anxiety.
  • Anti-seizure Activity – Traditionally used to treat seizures, Haritaki extracts have shown to protect against seizures and cognitive decline caused by epilepsy, especially when combined with common epilepsy drugs.

14.) Amrita or Guduchi

Hindu mythology regards Amrita, or Guduchi, as a miracle herb because of its powerful medicinal benefits.

  • As per Ayurveda, giloy or guduchi enhances memory-related and cognitive abilities.
  • Research has found that guduchi significantly improved kids’ IQ levels when consumed in moderation.
  • Guduchi is also effective in treating moderate levels of behavioral disorders.
  • People know Amrita as an adaptogen that helps the body adapt to stress and reduce stress-related disorders.
  • Various studies in India strongly suggest that Amrita has the potential to reduce anxiety and depression.

Also Read: Giloy Juice Benefits You Must Reap

15.) Nirgundi

Ayurvedic herbs for brain

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The findings suggest that Vitex negundo (Nirgundi) enhances memory and learning, protects brain cells from damage, reduces anxiety, and has anticonvulsant properties that help prevent seizures.

It also promotes nerve cell growth, has neuroprotective abilities, and is a powerful antioxidant protecting the brain from oxidative stress and harmful substances (free radicals).

All the above benefits of the Nirgundi herb make it a promising natural remedy for strengthening your brain.

16.) Ashwagandha

People also refer to Ashwagandha by other names, such as Indian ginseng, Indian winter cherry, or its botanical name, Withania somnifera.

The root of the herb Ashwagandha is beneficial for medicinal purposes.

The name Ashwagandha comes from the word “Ashwa” because people believe that consuming it gives the strength of a horse.

The other part “Gandha” means fragrance which refers to the smell of the fresh root of the plant.

For nearly 3000 years, people have used Ashwagandha to strenghten the nervous system.

  • Fights Against Neurodegenerative Diseases 

Ashwagandha has shown potential to protect the brain and help fight against Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s.

Studies suggest that it can reduce the toxic effects of harmful proteins like beta-amyloid which can cause memory loss and brain cell damage.

Ashwagandha helps prevent the formation of these harmful proteins and reduces inflammation and oxidative stress.

  • Treats OCD and Alcohol Withdrawal 

Researchers have found Ashwagandha helpful in treating obsessive-complusive disorder (OCD) and alcohol withdrawal.

Studies have shown that Ashwagandha helps in improving the symptoms of OCD and also benefits in reducing anxiety and seizures in alcohol withdrawal.

  • Improves the Quality of Sleep 

Researchers have also found Ashwagandha effective in improving sleep quality by helping people fall asleep faster and enhancing their overall well-being.

Studies have found it particularly beneficial in treating insomnia and sleep deprivation by reducing stress, increasing serotonin and dopamine levels, and antioxidant activity in the brain.

Ayurvedic herbs for brain

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  • Stress and Anxiety Reliever

Ashwagandha can lower cortisol levels, the main stress hormone.

By calming the body’s stress response, it helps people to feel less stressed and more relaxed.

Researchers have also found it beneficial in providing relief from anxiety disorders like Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that helps the body cope with stress in a better way.

  • Improves Cognitive Functions

By reducing inflammation, improving antioxidant activity, increasing sleep quality, and reducing stress and anxiety, Ashwagandha improves memory and learning of the brain.

Takeaway Message

The human brain has 100 billion nerve cells (neurons) and they have special jobs like thinking, learning, remembering, processing & storing of information, seeing, hearing, and smelling.

At every stage of life, the brain may lose its extraordinary powers due to aging, pollution, stress, lifestyle disorders, toxic elements, etc.

It is necessary to boost the energy of the brain to live a healthy and independent life.

People see herbal medicines as natural remedies that restore the body to its natural state without any side effects.

For ages, people have used Ayurvedic herbs to treat various brain-related disorders and help the brain regain vitality and energy.

Though there is no doubt that these herbs are extremely beneficial for the brain, however, one must consult an Ayurvedic physician or herbal practitioner before start using them.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the writer’s opinions and should not be considered a substitute for an expert’s advice.

Readings & References

2 thoughts on “Ayurvedic Herbs for Brain: Raise Brainpowers”

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